31. december 2024
Vær klar til at spille Hands of Necromancy II på dagen! Ved forudbestilling bliver beløbet først trukket ved levering. Din CD key (produktnøgle) bliver sendt på udgivelsesdatoen eller 1-2 dage før!
Will you once again don the mantle of the original Necromancer and prove his supremacy, or will you play as the new female up and comer, to show the world the true meaning of the word “power”? Each character has their own distinct weapons, spells, transformation abilities, as well as personality!
No matter your choice, the journey will be difficult and fraught with danger, taking you through stunning landscapes - an ancient castle, an arid desert wasteland, a picturesque village and a dreary cave, just to name a few - each brimming with untold threats! Wield enchanted weapons, cast powerful spells and destroy hordes of enemies, only to raise them as undead servants to aid you in battle, as any true Necromancer would!
Fan-favourite spells from the original game return - the Tornado Spell that hurls enemies into the air, the Ring of Ice that will encase them in frost, and the Unholy Hand Grenade to blast them into oblivion; but the new character also brings her own unique arsenal - a life-draining Dagger, a fireball-spewing Bracelet of Fire, and a Hell Grenade that splits into smaller grenades, over a huge area of effect.
As you grow stronger, you will gain the ability to transform into fearsome monsters with not just brutal attack abilities, but also special powers that help you to traverse and explore your surroundings – slithering through tight spots, breathing underwater, walking over lava or even flying!
Legal Information
Hands of Necromancy II is based on the GZDoom engine, which uses GPL code from id Software, Raven Software (Activision), and many contributors. Engine source code will be published here: https://github.com/HandsOfNecromancy/HandsOfNecromancy2-Engine
© 2024 Fulqrum Publishing Ltd. Developed by Emmanuel Frechou. All rights reserved.
Hvordan virker det? Modtager jeg Hands of Necromancy II fysisk?
Nej, du modtager en Hands of Necromancy II produktnøgle (Hands of Necromancy II CD Key), som du modtager via e-mail. Du skal derefter bruge Steam-platformen til at indløse din Hands of Necromancy II produktnøgle (Hands of Necromancy II CD Key), og du er derefter klar til downloade, installere og spille Hands of Necromancy II. Ved køb af spillet, modtager du samtidig en vejledning til hvordan dette gøres, hvis du skulle være i tvivl. Så bliver det ikke nemmere!
Hands of Necromancy II is a dark fantasy FPS sequel, inspired by classics such as Heretic and Doom. Choose from two characters, wield new weapons and learn even more powerful spells and transformations to prove once and for all that you are the supreme Necromancer, master of death itself!
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Når du er logget ind i Steam, vælger du fanen "Spil" i den helst øverste bjælke, hvor "Spil" kan findes mellem "Venner" og "Hjælp". Der vil komme en menu frem, hvor du skal vælge punktet "Aktivér et produkt på Steam". Følg vejledningen der kommer frem, og indtast din produktnøgle, når Steam beder om den. Produktet vil nu være tilføjet til din konto, og er klar til at blive hentet.